Sliding Scale

A sliding scale is used to encourage people to pay according to their available resources. Those with greater financial privilege contribute more, allowing those with less access, to pay according to their means. This allows the business to sustain its services while making accessibility as broad as possible.

While looking at resources is a great starting point to determine your contribution, we also encourage you to please consider your inherited privilege when selecting a sliding scale tier. This allows us as a community-based space to support those that are historically disadvantaged in receiving accessible care.

How to determine your sliding scale contribution?

Tier 1 (full price):
I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic needs.
I have access to financial savings, family wealth, and/or resources in times of need.
I have expendable income.

Tier 2  (mid-tier):
I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them.
I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of my basic needs.
I have some expendable income.

Tier 3 (low tier):
I am unemployed or underemployed.
I frequently stress about meeting basic needs and don't always achieve them.
I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs.
I have no or very little expendable income.

The above framework is sourced from Alexis J. Cunningfolk's Green Bottle Method. Green Bottle is a Sliding Scale model that is inclusive of different financial experiences. Developed by community healing practitioner Alexis J. Cunningfolk, the Green Bottle Method is an economic justice tool that enables participants to adjust payment based on access to resources.
